Arbor Creek
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Arbor Creek Arbor Creek
Welcome to Arbor Creek!!
Located in Olathe, Kansas near 159th Street and Mur-Len, and with easy access to Interstate 35, Arbor Creek is just minutes away from anywhere in the Kansas City metro area.  Arbor Creek is within walking distance to both an elementary and middle school, and shopping and dining opportunities are just outside your front door at the Arbor Creek Village Shops.
Neighborhood amenities include a walking path, private picnic shelter, and a swimming pool which is open annually from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
With a great location, and friendly neighbors, Arbor Creek is a place you will want to call home. 
If you're a visitor, come browse this site, and see how much Arbor Creek has to offer.  If you're a homeowner, log in -- or request an account creation in order to access more information about the activities of the Arbor Creek Community.
~ Announcements ~
Mur-Len Apartments Development Update
Posted on Sep 20th, 2024
Please see the attached letter with an update and mock ups of the proposed apartments off Mur-Len.
Mur-Len Development Information from Larry Jordan
Posted on Aug 19th, 2024
Yesterday, me and my buddy from Arbor Landing met with Olathe City Planning staff to discuss the proposed apartment project.  Below is a summary of what we found out.  
Below is a list of the City folks involved in this proposal.  If you have comments, I strongly encourage you to express those to these parties or better yet, schedule a meeting with them.
Emily Carrillo: Olathe City Planning Department
Comments to Emily need to b e made by August 31st as she is the staff member who submits the department’s recommendation to the Planning Commission.
Robyn Essex: City Councilmen, District 1
John Bacon: Mayor
Meeting Summary:
Project Density:  
Emily indicated that the City Planning staff will approve the rezoning for this project. This is seen as a low density residential development, R – 3 Zoning which allows up to 17 dwelling units per acre.  This conforms to the City’s Comprehensive Growth plan.  I have a map excerpt from that, I’m working on getting files of this and other maps out to you.
Architectural Building Standards:
The City has very detailed and sophisticated standards for projects such as this to make sure that they fit in with the character and scale of the surrounding neighborhoods.
As of yet, the developer has not submitted any details or plans on how they will conform to this.  The City staff has notified them of their responsibility to provide before project consideration.  Two similar multifamily projects that this developer has built in Michigan have significantly inferior architectural treatment. These standards include such things as:
  • Setbacks and articulation of the building facades at specific intervals 
  • Articulation of roof cornices
  • Specific qualities of building materials to match the surrounding neighborhood
  • Balconies
  •  No open stairways
Traffic Considerations:
The required traffic study was conducted in June 2024.  When asked, the City staff were unaware if there was any consideration included for the additional traffic generated from school traffic.
The staff indicated that they believed that this was a valid consideration and that they would look into this.
The staff indicated that the developer included a gated entry on the south portion of the site because they believe that it was a requirement by the City fire department.  The staff indicated that they will ask for a response from the fire department.
Additional code requirements for “external connectivity” were pointed out to the staff.  They expressed no understanding of this and indicated that they would look into the details of this requirement. 
Site Development:
The code requires specific buffering at the perimeters of the project.  Where the site abuts residential areas,  landscaping  (trees) with either a 6’-0” high fence or earthen berm is required.  To date, the developer has not indicated any details as to how they   will conform to this.  The city staff have also requested this info.  Landscaping is required at site entries, drives and walks.
City code also requires that 30% of existing trees on the site must remain or replaced.
Along the north side of the site, there is a significant grade drop down to the Price Chopper parking lot.  The current plans do not indicate any methods that are planned to address this condition.  City staff indicated that they will request additional info about this. 
Tax Assistance:
City staff explained that the only public funding is a program called LITEC (I don’t know what that stands for.)  It is a program administered by the State.  Apparently,  it is a program where tax credits for construction costs are granted to the developer.  The City staff indicated that they have no knowledge if the developer is or will pursue this.
Folks, that’s what I’ve learned so far.  As I mentioned, don’t be shy in contacting or better yet, meeting with the various City staff to express your opinions or to ask questions.
I’ll pass on any developments that I come across.  Thanks.
- Larry Jordan
Habitat for Humanity Project Information
Posted on Oct 24th, 2023
Please see the information below from the HOA President, Matt Holstin, who has been attending the leadership meetings regarding the proposed Habitat for Humanity project.  If you have any questions please email Matt at
Highlights of Habitat For Humanity (HFH) housing project on 159th/Blackbob
    1.) 14 single family dwellings
    2.) Received $950K in tax money from JoCo BOCC - approved
    3.) Requesting $1M in tax money from City of Olathe - pending
    4.) Equals $140K/home if all funds are granted by city/county
    5.) Land will be held in a CLT (Community Land Trust)
    6.) Home owner will be limited to get 25% of equity
    7.) Homeowners are responsible for taxes/insurance/maintenance
    8.) Income limitations of candidates selected to participate
Meeting notes/highlights/follow-up items:
    1.) HFH Application review by Olathe Planning Committee review date November 13th @ 7:00PM for public opinion. PLAN TO ATTEND.
City of Olathe Planning Commission link and schedule for application:
Facebook Pages regarding this effort:
    Latest/Greatest FB Page: Neighbors of HfH Project Pathway (PLEASE SIGN UP TO JOIN)
Olathe Trash Pick Up Change
Posted on Apr 5th, 2023
Beginning April 3, trash, recycling and yard waste collections will begin at 7:00am.  Please have your bins at the curb before 7:00am on collection day.
This change will provide benefits such as:
  • Crews avoiding extreme heat
  • Improved efficiency for vehicle maintenance
  • Avoiding school zones during peak hours

~ Olathe Resource Numbers ~
Police/Fire/Medical Emergency 911        
Olathe City Hall 971-8600
City Services 971-8600
Johnson County Energency Mgmt 782-3038
Olathe Emergency Management 971-6333
Olathe Fire Prevention Division
--Mike Crall
Olathe Police Non-Emergency 971-7500
Olathe Police Community Outreach Unit
--Beth Wegner
To report Suspicious Activity 971-7500
Johnson County Consumer Hotline 715-3003

~ Surveys ~

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~ Upcoming Events ~
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 12th, 10:00am
Bring your kids to the annual Easter Egg Hunt of April 12th at 10:00am!
Spring Garage Sale
Friday, May 2nd to Saturday, May 3rd
Join your neighbors for the annual Spring Garage Sale on Friday, May 2nd and Saturday, May 3rd!
Pool Opens
Thursday, May 22nd, 12:00pm
Please note the 5th Graders from Arbor Creek Elementary will be holding their graduation party at the pavilion on this day.